Essential Piano Exercises Review

If you’re looking to enhance your piano playing skills, “Essential Piano Exercises Every Piano Player Should Know” by Jerald Simon is the perfect resource for you. This paperback book, published on May 26, 2020, covers essential topics such as intervals, pentascales, tetrachords, scales (major and minor), and chords (triads, sus, …). With Jerald Simon’s guidance, you’ll have all the tools you need to take your piano playing to the next level. Have you been looking to strengthen your piano skills and take your playing to the next level? Look no further than this comprehensive guide: “Essential Piano Exercises Every Piano Player Should Know” by Jerald Simon. Packed with exercises focusing on intervals, pentascales, tetrachords, scales (both major and minor), and chords, this book is a must-have for pianists of all levels.

Essential Piano Exercises Every Piano Player Should Know: Learn Intervals, Pentascales, Tetrachords, Scales (major and minor), Chords (triads, sus, ... Piano Player Should Know by Jerald Simon)     Paperback – May 26, 2020

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Discover more about the Essential Piano Exercises Every Piano Player Should Know: Learn Intervals, Pentascales, Tetrachords, Scales (major and minor), Chords (triads, sus, ... Piano Player Should Know by Jerald Simon)     Paperback – May 26, 2020.

What’s Included in the Book?

In this section, we’ll break down the different sections of the book and what you can expect to learn from each one.

Intervals: Dive into the world of intervals and learn how to play different melodic lines on the piano. This section will help you develop your ear training and improve your ability to recognize intervals by sound.

Pentascales: Master the concept of pentascales and explore different ways to play them on the piano. You’ll learn how to incorporate pentascales into your playing to create beautiful and melodic compositions.

Tetrachords: Discover the magic of tetrachords and how they can enhance your piano playing. This section will teach you how to build tetrachords and incorporate them into your practice routine.

Scales (major and minor): Brush up on your scale knowledge with in-depth exercises on major and minor scales. You’ll learn the fingerings for each scale and how to practice them effectively for maximum improvement.

Chords (triads, sus, …): Explore the world of chords with exercises on triads, suspended chords, and more. This section will help you understand chord progressions and how to use them in your playing.

A Closer Look at Each Section

Let’s take a deeper dive into each section of the book to see what you can expect to learn and how it can benefit your piano playing.


Intervals are a fundamental aspect of music theory and playing the piano. By mastering intervals, you’ll be able to play melodies with ease and accuracy. The exercises in this section will help you train your ear to recognize different intervals and play them fluently on the piano.


Pentascales are a versatile tool that can add depth and complexity to your playing. By practicing pentascales, you’ll improve your finger dexterity and agility on the piano. The exercises in this section will guide you through different patterns and ways to incorporate pentascales into your playing.


Tetrachords are building blocks of scales and understanding them is essential for mastering complex pieces. This section will teach you how to construct tetrachords and apply them to different scales and modes. By practicing tetrachords, you’ll develop a solid foundation for playing more advanced compositions.

Scales (major and minor)

Scales are the bread and butter of piano playing, and mastering them is crucial for any pianist. This section will guide you through exercises on major and minor scales, helping you memorize fingerings and play scales with precision and speed. By practicing scales regularly, you’ll improve your technique and overall musicality.

Chords (triads, sus, …)

Chords are essential for creating harmony and structure in music. This section will teach you how to play triads, suspended chords, and other types of chords commonly used in piano music. By learning different chord progressions and voicings, you’ll be able to accompany yourself or other musicians confidently.

Essential Piano Exercises Every Piano Player Should Know: Learn Intervals, Pentascales, Tetrachords, Scales (major and minor), Chords (triads, sus, ... Piano Player Should Know by Jerald Simon)     Paperback – May 26, 2020

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Get your own Essential Piano Exercises Every Piano Player Should Know: Learn Intervals, Pentascales, Tetrachords, Scales (major and minor), Chords (triads, sus, ... Piano Player Should Know by Jerald Simon)     Paperback – May 26, 2020 today.

Essential Piano Exercises Every Piano Player Should Know: Learn Intervals, Pentascales, Tetrachords, Scales (major and minor), Chords (triads, sus, ... Piano Player Should Know by Jerald Simon) Paperback – May 26, 2020

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Pros and Cons

Before diving into this book, let’s discuss some of the pros and cons you may encounter.

Pros Cons
Comprehensive guide to essential piano exercises Exercises may be challenging for beginners
Detailed explanations and step-by-step instructions Some exercises may require extensive practice
Suitable for pianists of all levels Limited focus on advanced techniques
Affordable price point for the amount of content Less emphasis on music theory

Essential Piano Exercises Every Piano Player Should Know: Learn Intervals, Pentascales, Tetrachords, Scales (major and minor), Chords (triads, sus, ... Piano Player Should Know by Jerald Simon)     Paperback – May 26, 2020

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Final Thoughts

To conclude, “Essential Piano Exercises Every Piano Player Should Know” is a valuable resource for pianists looking to improve their skills and expand their musical repertoire. With a focus on intervals, pentascales, tetrachords, scales, and chords, this book covers a wide range of essential topics that will benefit pianists of all levels. Whether you’re a beginner looking to develop a strong foundation or an advanced player seeking to refine your technique, this book has something to offer everyone. Upgrade your piano skills and unlock your full potential with this comprehensive guide by Jerald Simon.

Learn more about the Essential Piano Exercises Every Piano Player Should Know: Learn Intervals, Pentascales, Tetrachords, Scales (major and minor), Chords (triads, sus, ... Piano Player Should Know by Jerald Simon)     Paperback – May 26, 2020 here.

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